Cartoon of the Week

Handcuffed Policies: There has been a proliferation of bilateral and multilateral investment treaties in the past few decades which has led to an escalation of the use of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism (ISDS). These arbitration panels lack accountability and transparency and allow corporations to challenge well-meaning government policies, including energy transition from fossil fuels, environmental protection and policies to protect social welfare and public health. While governments of the Global North are not immune to these panels, the neocolonial origin of ISDS continues to entrench the subject positioning of the Global South as the majority of cases are corporations from the Global North claiming from states in the Global South. To find out more, listen to Gravity’s latest interview “ISDS: Clandestine Corporate Courts that Entrench Colonialism and Exacerbate the Climate Crisis” with Lisa Sachs http://thegravity.fm/#/episode/54.